Orvis | Sunderland, Vermont
In 2013, I started at Orvis as a Digital Content Specialist.
Coming from a position at a small college, I was at first nervous about working in e-commerce with such a big team, but quickly learned the ropes and enjoyed the process of working with designers, copywriters, art directors, and merchandisers.
I’ve always been naturally curious and creative, and from this came the opportunity to optimize and improve on the homegrown platform that we were working on.
Working with designers, we figured out how to incorporate live text on the homepage and categories (this was a big deal back then), create jQuery interactions to bring life to otherwise static landing pages, and modernize some of the outdated styles that we were working with.
Other notable experiences at Orvis:
Had my first encounter with a black bear
Learned how to cast a spey rod (this became invaluable when I moved to Oregon)
Learned how to shoot a shotgun and hit moving targets
Wrote my first blog article for Orvis News about ditching the office to fish at lunch
Got really good at driving down steep and windy hills in 2 feet of fresh snow