Leatherman | Portland, Oregon | leatherman.com

Profile video with Atiba Jefferson. I worked to bring the Tread campaign to life on ecommerce and email.

In 2015, I moved from Vermont to Oregon to experience something new, ride more bikes and work on the ecommerce team at Leatherman as a content specialist.

With the brand just starting to sell online and freshly re-platformed on what is now Salesforce Commerce Cloud, I had the opportunity to define the content strategy, produce digital and email creative, and develop frameworks to support content.


With Leatherman being a beloved brand amongst the outdoor, military, and DIY scene, I had the pleasure of pushing the brand’s storytelling with “Tool Tales”– customer-submitted stories about how their Leatherman saved the day, or in some cases, saved their life.

I also had the opportunity to prototype the very first “tool finder,” an online tool to help you find the perfect Leatherman based on your line of work, favorite hobbies, and carry preferences.


Some memorable projects include working with internal teams and creative agencies to bring campaigns to life on our ecommerce platforms including the Tread product launch, Tool Tales 2.0, and the Ledlenser (Leatherman subsidiary) #ledbylight campaign.

Toward the end of my time at Leatherman, I played a central role in the redesign and launch of leatherman.com where we worked closely with agency partners to bring an immersive ecommerce experience to life across the website and email.

That work is still visible to this day.