Etc. | Earth

As a naturally curious person, I am always exploring something.

From wild spaces to obscure books and old cassette tapes, I have found that there is always something to learn, something to be inspired by, and something to spark an idea if you go looking for it.


To keep myself sane, I have to engage every part of my being. I like working on complex problems, dreaming of possibilities, building things with my hands, learning as I go, and not being afraid to suck (this last one is hard, but became way easier in my 30's).


Of course, like any human being, there are times when I don't feel inspired–where I've tried to do too much and burned myself out.

this is just how i feel today.png

But what matters is that you take a rest, gather yourself, and keep going.


Anyway, that's my long-winded way of saying that from suffering to pure joy, there are a million ways to exist and find beauty and maybe some meaning in the world. They are all beautiful in their own ways. This is just mine.
